Leveraging globally available sensor and data infrastructure for predictive road maintenance
What We Do
RoadEO is developing a global road quality monitoring and prediction platform advising public road authorities and commercial construction firms when and where the next road segment needs to be maintained.
For this we combine available traffic and environmental information with our own set of novel sensor and data sources such as crowdsourced smartphone measurements, in-vehicle sensors as well as satellite earth observation to create a unique big data pool which is being analysed and interpreted through our artificial intelligence solution.
The provided information helps our customers to detect road wear and structural damages alike, cheaper than with specialised vehicles and better than visual bypass assessments, and allows for optimal decision making and maintenance scheduling. This results in maximised road safety, reduced cost of operations and minimised downtime for repair purposes.



Smartphones are the ultimate IoT sensor. They are connected to the internet, carry powerful sensors and are available all around the world. Our mobile app allows our customers and users to access these capabilities and utilise them for continuous, crowdsourced road quality monitoring.
Novel satellite instruments and services allow us to capture more frequent, sharper and complex images of our planet. We are using these opportunities to complement the data we gather on the ground and combine them to create a new source of rich insights.
While traditional approaches for road quality monitoring are usually lacking data, we generate terabytes of them every day. To quantify and predict road damages we are using powerful artificial intelligence algorithms to make sense of the data created and turn them into valuable insights.

About Us
RoadEO's vision is improve road safety and comfort all around the world. We are doing this by generating, combining and processing novel data sources and making use of latest technological tools.
Our team consists of former ESA engineers, remote sensing specialists, software developers and experienced impact entrepreneurs and is continuously looking for new talent to speed up our journey towards a global road monitoring and prediction service.
We started our enterprise in 2017 by winning several international idea competitions and eventually founded our company in The Netherlands. We are part of the European Space Agency Business Incubation program and have our offices at The Hague Tech, the leading start-up technology hub in the Province of South Holland .
Contact Us
Want to learn more about us and our work?
The Hague Tech
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 35
2595AN Den Haag
Email: hello@roadeo.io
Phone: +31 (0) 6 40 54 32 84